Google: an engine of change

Image representing Eric Schmidt as depicted in...
First Google transformed the way we find information. Now it aims to revolutionize our energy sources

Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt announced Google's initiative, called Clean Energy 2030, in San Francisco earlier this month.

The search giant's goal is to eliminate U.S coal and oil consumption for electricity generation by 2030. It also aims to reduce U.S. oil use for car by 38 percent and dependence on imported oil by 33 percent. According to Google, the goal can be achieved by investing in alternative energy. And the company is putting its money behind the search for new sources. Geothermal pioneer AltaRock Energy in Seattle has received one of Google's first investments. "Google decided that geothermal was a neglected source of energy," explains AltaRock founder Susan Petty. "The question is how to make geothermal more economical. It we get our technology to work, we can cut the costs in half and use geothermal anywhere." ELISABETH BRAW/METRO


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